Rorschach Test as Art

The last time I was at the airport, I stopped into a bookstore and noticed the great cover of Jay-Z's new memoir, Decoded. Very Rorschach, right? (**Update: the artwork is a Warhol piece entitled Rorschach) And so beautiful! A simplified design would be an easy to recreate with a little acrylic paint, or you can often find vintage sets of the plates on eBay.

I think these are amazing:

I like this paper cuts spin on the concept, from Design*Sponge:

Also, I love these wallpapers:

From Cookie, via Beach Bungalow 8

From Lilly's Notebook

(PS I had a delicious lunch yesterday with Lilly (Frisee salad at Cafe Cluny - yum!). She is seriously so lovely and hilarious and talented. If you're not reading her blog, you're missing out).


  1. I thought the same thing when I saw that book! Helps that I'm digging gold/brass these days...:)

  2. Now that you mention is absolutely the rorschach inkblot!!who would have thought of a psychological test as art!! brilliant!! would be a great DIY project! thanks for sharing, Jenny!! xx meenal

  3. This is a fun idea for diy!

    The book is as good as the cover, btw. I couldn't put it down when I started it.... and I am not much of a Jay Z fan as I only know/like some of his radio songs.

  4. I am also loving the gold tone on that inkblot. Inspiration comes in any place!

  5. I love it! I especially love the wallpapers. Looks like a fun do it yourself.

  6. I think my mom still has some of these that we did in elementary school! I'll have to go dig them out : )

  7. i have loved that timorous beasties wallpaper for a long, long time.

  8. I love this cover, you are right, lots of ideas here! Off to check out Lilly's blog, Janell

  9. This is lovely - it really inspires me to work in some stenciling in my own place.

  10. I love that you posted about this book, just 2 days ago I was walking in Target and this cover caught my eye and was like Jay Z??!!! I thought it was going to be some sort of interior design book! The cover is amazing! Just goes to say anything can be beautiful in interior design!

  11. I almost bought that book just for the cover! Could be a good DIY using gold leaf or acrylic paint?

  12. wow. you have totally inspired me!!!! love this idea.

  13. Jenny, reading this post was like deja vu! I saw the cover, while at the airport, and thought the exact same thing. I was definitely a bit surprised when I picked it up and discovered it was Jay-Z.

    That blue wallpaper is amazing as well!

  14. Love these images! They make such fabulous artwork.

  15. Pardon me for being a little crass, but I think these would be wonderful for bathroom art! It's nice to have something thought provoking to look at while you're in there. I smell a DIY!

  16. I bought this book to:

    1) Read (I'm kind of afraid to soil the white cover so I haven't touched it yet. Does anyone else do this sort of thing?)

    2) Place upon my coffee table because I liked the cover so much ;)

  17. My husband got the book for Christmas- and I thought the same thing! stunning in the gold- I love the idea as wallpaper too- brilliant!

  18. I love these Rorschach Tests as art and wall paper! What a brilliant idea! Proves you can even find inspiration at the airport! I love your blog!

  19. Pease check out the new book all about inkbots from artist Margaret Peot. It is all about making your own inkblots and creating fabulous things out of them!

  20. Heya Jenny,

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the second photo that you posted is an actual inkblot from the Rorschach. Since the test was developed, the blots have not changed. I would appreciate it greatly if you would take down that particular photo.

    Grad Student X

  21. Hi Grad Student!

    Thanks for the comment. I think the images are sort of considered public domain at this point, right? They are all over the internet, so I was sure that I was not violating copyright, etc by posting this. It's such a beautiful image, and that was the point of the post - the medical/academic aspect was a sort of unrelated (yet still really cool) thing.

    Love to discuss more if you have further concerns: jkomenda at gmail


  22. These also somewhat remind of Hawaiian quilts, which I have been obsessing over for a bit. :)

  23. The painting on the Jay Z book's cover is by Andy Warhol.

  24. So funny that you should mention this! I was at Target this past weekend and the cover caught my eye. When I saw it was Jay-Z's book, I was like what?? I kind of want to buy the book, just to frame the cover!


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