How to Sew Pinch Pleats in Ready-Made Drapes

I just love the look of pleated drapes. Would you believe me if I told you they are not that hard to sew - especially if you buy ready-made panels?

I shared the surprisingly simple tutorial in this slideshow, 10 easy Sunday Afternoon Crafts, sponsored in part by giggle and featured on the gorgeous new Kirtsy site.

My pinch pleat tutorial is HERE but don't forget to check out the other ladies' crafts. There is so much creativity in the blog world. I love seeing the ideas other people come up with!


  1. These are beautiful! We are so needing to upgrade for my window treatments in this little South Beach apartment ;)

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Very useful tip, I need to learn this. And I like the red lining.
    Beautiful blog, I'm going to stay here a while :)

  3. Thanks for sharing this tutorial! I got the same JCP drapes, but the only ones that were available were too long for the space. Hemming the panels are on my to-do list, but I think I will add pinch pleats as well.

  4. Jenny, love the trim. Where's it from?

    I love how you take everyday, ho-hum items and make them look custom and inspired.

  5. LOVE THIS JENNY!! Amazing idea to customize ready-made draperies! Can't wait to try this myself...

  6. they are very pretty! i need to learn to sew...

  7. HOORAY!! I've been waiting for this post to go up and it truly doesn't disappoint! Can't wait to get sewing now! Thank you jenny!


  8. Doh! Wishing I'd paid more attention in 7th grade home ec! Maybe I should take a sewing class now? What's that they say - 40 is the new 30? :)

  9. Thanks for the lovely tutorial Jenny! Can't wait to click through!

  10. just in time for me to do my IKEA linen panels! everything is ready and waiting ... now to just get started.

  11. How pretty. I've never done anything like that. But I love your blog. Glad I stumbled on it :)

  12. What kind of rod is used with pin on drapery hooks? Could I just use curtain rings (the kind with clips) with pinch pleated drapes? I realize they would fall lower than the rod that way. Thanks!

  13. you are a good way of course :D

  14. This blog is AMAZING!!!!! How do you keep your content so fresh, new, and original! Thank you for sharing, I am definitely doing this...

  15. I would love to try this! I always go with the easy way of just making a folded upper part and sticking it in the rod for my DIY's. This is a much classier version.


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