Chloe Redmond Warner in MSL

Remember this great spread in the May 2011 Martha Stewart Living? Chloe Redmond Warner hits it out of the park (again) with all her layers of pattern:

This mural wall is completely genius. The black parts are magnetic paint!

Such a pretty living room:

I think it's nice to have a little desk in almost every room. Just a little place to sit down and make a list or write a note. This little desk nook is in the living room, it looks like.

Gorgeous, warm den:

LOVE this dining room!!

And of course I am crazy over the bedroom:

Check out that beautiful Pierre Frey wallpaper! It's the Nakai pattern in Tobacco.

There are lots of colorways available including one with a black background. I want to do a powder room in this!

images via MSL and the Redmond Aldrich site


  1. love that paper. there is something modern about it.

  2. Beautiful!


  3. I agree with you on the dining room, it's very cosy and bright. I'd love a room like that!

  4. i absolutely love how wallpaper has been making its comeback. makes me somewhat regret forcing my mother to rid my childhood kitchen of its 70s floral paper for a fresh coat of paint. love how loud yet sophisticated some of these are !

    ps, that beautiful wooden all didn't get hidden in there. absolutely love it!

    pss, !

  5. that bedroom wallpaper is delish!

  6. I believe you mean "hits it out of the park" - - PARK - - as in baseball/softball.

  7. Ohmigod this whole thing is awesome overload.

  8. Oh, that wallpaper! Great post Jenny - I hadn't seen this space and it's fantastic!

  9. All of these pictures are beautiful. I love the look of wall paper and I am so glad it is making a come back.

  10. I'm so glad that you posted these beautiful rooms - I don't read MSL so I missed them the first time. The Pierre Frey in black is BA-NA-NAS - I can already see your chic powder room!

  11. Anybody crushing on the coffee tables in the 4th pic from top? I've got one that didn't work out & trying to let go. If you're in DC area:

  12. I am really liking that living room set up in the second pic. Very clean and cozy. Really like that style. Those wallpapers are really fun. I would LOVE a powder room with that black floral wallpaper!

  13. I remember this house clearly - I loved all of it but (sorry!) hated the mural :o But what great taste otherwise.

  14. This home is utterly charming. I haven't stopped thinking about it all day and simply had to post after my second time lurking into their pretty little life! Thanks for sharing Jenny.

  15. So agree -that bedroom is fantastic! Love all the pattern!
    xo Allison

  16. So beautiful! I can't wait for my new MSL subscription to start! That living room is perfect. Any idea what that blue branchy floral fabric is on the pillows?

  17. The wallpaper in black is soooo pretty! I immediately thought of a small bath too when I saw it. The bedroom was my favorite too, i want to see more of those ikat curtains!

  18. oh my, how I want that bedroom to be all mine :)

  19. I am loving that paint treatment for the kids. I might have to go copycat style for this and my family room wall....

  20. Wonderful wallpaper!! I am drooling..


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