Tired but Happy

Whew! What a weekend! I've been working non-stop trying to finish an install before leaving for Alt, which I am unbelievably excited for! Last year was crazy fun.

Some of the left over flowers from the client photo shoot today. I love using citrus leaves in floral arrangements lately!

Tomorrow morning I'll hop on an early plane to SLC for the conference. I'm speaking this year on blogging about interiors with Kirsten, Emily and Morgan. We're each going to focus on a different aspect of the interior design world as it relates to blogging. I think it's gonna be good - I'm especially excited for the Q&A section though. That's always when the real fun starts! :)

Who else is coming to Alt?


  1. I wish I was going. It always sounds like so much fun. I would love hearing what you have to say. Especially since your blog is undoubtedly my favorite blog. I look forward to reading it every day.

  2. Have so much fun at Alt Jenny! I bet it will be blast and I wish I could be there!! Hugs,

    Nancy xo

  3. Wish I was going to be there. Have a fun!

  4. So sad to miss you this year, Jenny! I agree, Alt was crazy fun last year...I had to bail this year due to some family stuff, but I will be back on for 2013. Have a terrific time!

  5. I'm not, but I so wish I were! Have fun, and can't wait to hear all the reports about it afterwards :)

  6. I'll be there, and I'm really looking forward to your panel! Just bought a house and love the idea of blogging the process filling it up. ox

  7. JDK, I will look for you. Can't wait to listen to your panel. xx - CB

  8. Oh, I soooo wish I was coming. Sounds like so much fun. I'll hope to read some highlights!

  9. Me! And I can't wait to hear you and the other talented ladies speak. See you soon. Safe travels!

  10. HI
    Tired but Happy
    I'm quite pleased with the ifonrmation in this post.nice and useful!
    thank you!

  11. Just saw your work on Cup of Jo...AMAZING job! Looks so good!

    Enjoy Alt!!

  12. Just found you via Cup of Jo. Would LOVE to know how you went about making her upholstered headboard!

  13. I'll be there, Jenny! So excited to hear y'all speak! Safe travels!

  14. awww love this, wish i could go! youll be great, break a leg!


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Have a blast at alt!! Soooo wish I was gonna be there :)

  17. Not at Alt unfortunately but in SLC for Outdoor Retailer. Pack your raincoat!

  18. HI
    Tired but Happy
    Great post! and incredible blog ! Very helpful post! I must say. Simple & interesting. Wonderful work!
    thank you!

  19. Have a great time at ALT! One of these days I will make it there.

    Also, rec'd an email from a reader looking for a designer w your aesthetics in Boston. Any suggestions?


  20. Ah you will be here in Salt Lake!? It will make my heart happy just knowing you are in the same state with us:) I am sure your schedule is packed but we would love to come see you if you need a treat/break/both! Love and miss you so much... counting down the days until July:)

    Hope you are having fun!

  21. I don't care if I'm dead tired as long as I am satisfied and happy. Nice post. Nice blog.


I so appreciate hearing from you. Nice comments make my day! Thanks for keeping things light here, friends! :)