Goodbye, New York

Greetings from a cave of moving boxes! We are slowly but surely packing up the brownstone. The truck arrives bright and early tomorrow morning and our flight leaves in the evening. The count down has begun. I'm feeling good.

A couple weeks ago though I was having major, major second thoughts about our move. I thought about all the growing I have done over the past almost decade while we've lived away from all our family. These years have been so good, hard and important to me. Michael, who has always been my rock, reminded me that there are lots of good, hard and important times ahead too. The next day he sent me this quote by Richard Wright. It's one of those good pieces of writing that can be about something very different, but can also speak straight to my heart and feel so very personal. I felt like this when we left Arizona, and I feel like this again as we prepare to return home:

I was leaving the South
To fling myself into the unknown...
I was taking a part of the South
To transplant in alien soil,
To see if it could grow differently,
If it could drink of new and cool rains,
Bend in strange winds,
Respond to the warmth of other suns
And, perhaps, to bloom.

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Here's to another season for Jenny Komenda. Thanks, as always, for coming along for the ride. xo


  1. Beautifully said. Best wishes for an easy move.

  2. I wish you and your family lots of luck with the new adventure in Arizona, and thanks so much for taking us along for the ride.
    Your blog is endlessly inspiring and while I've been doing up our house, one of my first thoughts is often "what would Jenny do?" :-)

  3. Moving can be very stressful. You are lucky to have such an understanding husband.
    My husband would have said, "Get over it! Let's go!"
    I can't wait to see how you make your new house a home.

  4. I'm a long time reader who never comments but I want you to know that you're my first stop in the mornings. Where you go, so will I. Best wishes on the move and your new adventure.

  5. What a great quote. Good luck on your move, and good luck in Arizona!

  6. Jenny, I'm so glad I got to work with you while you were here! Your blog is still my first read in the morning with my coffee, and I can't wait to read about this next chapter in Arizona. Good luck!!

  7. I would like to wish you and your family so many happy years in Arizona. I am sure you can be happy with the new adventure. Hope you have safe moving and cheers,
    Jana from Prague, Czech Republic

  8. Good luck on your move! I enjoy your blog and look forward to your new home stories.

  9. Oh, I love that! Its actually just what I need to hear in regards to my own personal big changes!
    I'm a native Mesa-ite as well- I'm thrilled to see how you put your stamp on a good ol classic Mesa custom home! I'm already geekin out over all the ideas you've shared!

  10. Oh, I love that! Its actually just what I need to hear in regards to my own personal big changes!
    I'm a native Mesa-ite as well- I'm thrilled to see how you put your stamp on a good ol classic Mesa custom home! I'm already geekin out over all the ideas you've shared!

  11. What a sweet, true sentiment your husband shared, Jenny. Best of luck with your move and settling into your new home.

    Here's to the new adventures that await you in Arizona!

  12. A beautifully worded farewell to New York. I read your blog religiously first thing and I've followed your journey for years. Have a safe trip to your new home.

  13. Good luck! I am also moving this weekend, not the distance, but the life change it requires is definitely the same. As I sit at my computer, at my new "important" job, it brought tears to my eyes. Just what I needed to hear to push myself forward too.

  14. That was really sweet and beautiful. Although we only lived in NYC for 4 years (still the place we've lived the longest) it was so so so hard to say good bye. I still remember vividly walking into our bare-bones apartment for the first time after being married for a scant 2 weeks. It was terrifying. But after 4 years leaving was even harder. I love that place. So many great memories. We've lived in 2 different cities/states since and while there is no place like NYC, drive ways and backyards definitely have their perks! Plus, I've learned that I can really learn to love anywhere I live.

    Good luck and can't wait to see what AZ holds in store for you.

  15. Jenny, as your girls grow and you grow older with them, you will be thankful to be near family. The good thing is you have had the chance to grow being away from home. When you are back among family and old friends, you won't forget what it felt like to be the stranger and how others embraced you. You can do the same for strangers on your home turf and make some of the best friends you will ever find.

    Best of luck to you and your family and safe travels! xo

  16. Your attitude is amazing. You are an inspiration. Travel safely, and we'll see you on the other side!

  17. Safe travels! I got a little misty thinking about what you must be feeling, but on to new beginnings and new adventures!

  18. We are in a similar "should I stay or should I go (back home)" place in life, and it is hard, for sure. The quote is perfect...

  19. I love how good writing can express so much by saying so little. You and Michael are quite a pair. I have no doubt you'll find new adventures and lessons ahead. Lucky Arizona. XO

  20. Hi Jenny. I love following your blog. My husband and I are also from Phoenix, lived on the east coast (MD and NY) for seven years, and returned to Phoenix two years ago. I relate to some of the feelings you have expressed. It felt a little like the adventure was over and part of me was sad to leave, but we were also very excited to "settle down" and be closer to family. We love and miss NY but our hearts belong to Phoenix and we are so happy to be back where we consider home. Best of luck with your new adventures!

  21. this was really beautiful, jenny. thanks for posting it.

  22. Jenny, I am feeling exactly the same. Change brings growth, but it can be so scary sometimes. I'm positive you will flourish and thrive! Here's to the coming journeys!

  23. Jenny--

    I am in the same boat. My family (3 kids and hubby) just moved from 15 years in Nashville, TN to the suburbs of Denver. It has been 3 weeks now and we are in love. The streets with tons of kids, the pools, the mountains, everything. We LOVE it. I'm sure you will too!

    I also read some where that one of the secrets to a happy marriage is moving every so often. That it is good for a couple and for a family to have a different perspective from a move. This is proving true for us so far! The best of luck to you and your whole family.

  24. It has been so fun to follow along with all of your moves and adventures. You make each place special and "home". It will be even more so for you guys in Arizona close to family. Hope the move and everything goes smoothly!

  25. What a wonderful quote. So similar to how I felt when we moved from Texas to Massachusetts for a year. And then the move back home was even sadder when I realized how much I loved the Northeast. Funny how that happens. Ultimately, I'm happy we moved back home—free babysitting has eased the heartache. :)

  26. Jenny that quote magical and going somewhere in my life where i can see it all the time. Your hopeful attitude is much admired.

    My husband and i left NYC after 10 years in the acting biz in 2011. It was one of the toughest decisions i ever made- he joined the coast guard and started a new career.

    Your bravery in leaving in huge. I have always said moving to NY is easy and leaving is he hard part. Bless you in your new journey!

  27. Bon voyage, to greener pastures, bigger closets and plenty of play space. We'll all be watching and rooting you on!

  28. I had always hoped to run into you on the streets of New York. Sad that you are moving, but happy for you. We live half way across the world from our families so understand the pull. Looking forward to your next chapter.

  29. Good luck to you and your family on this exciting new chapter!

  30. My heart hurts for you. I know it must be so bittersweet. You will always have a wonderful home away from home in NYC. Take care of yourself, & I will truly look forward to watching your new adventures!

    Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. ~Theodor Seuss Geisel

  31. I usually dont like emotional talk.....but you've got me! It will be so cool when you come back to ny to visit and remember
    and SHOP! cant wait to read how you will use all that new space that seems to just go on forever! God bless your move.

  32. OH leaving new york was really hard for us too. I hope you are having a calm and exciting goodbye this morning. You are not really leaving anything other than a city, as your family and career are coming with and you are making a new (awesome!) home!

  33. Such a beautiful quote. I am so excited to see you take on the suburbs. You can make anything cool and exciting. I agree with Michael, new things will totally come you way to make you continue to stretch and grow. Happened to us when we left Boston and moved to little ole Provo.

  34. All the best to you and your family, Jenny on this new adventure!God speed!!

  35. Good luck! Leaving a place you love and people you live is hard-I do maybe have some news that might be happy for you! I have a friend that just bought the ceiling tiles from Modern Steak in Scottsdale that just closed. He has hundreds of gorgeous geometric cut tiles. If you are interested email me at and I can give you his contact info

  36. Good luck! Leaving a place you love and people you live is hard-I do maybe have some news that might be happy for you! I have a friend that just bought the ceiling tiles from Modern Steak in Scottsdale that just closed. He has hundreds of gorgeous geometric cut tiles. If you are interested email me at and I can give you his contact info

  37. Wow! What a change for your family.

    I haven't checked in on your blog for a while and was shocked to see that you will be moving back to the West.

    De-lurking to say good luck on your journey and I can't wait to see what kind of magic you work on your new home!

  38. Good luck! It is for the best!

  39. Good luck with your move! I am sure it will be an amazing adventure. I just moved 1200 miles away from home & family, which is very uncharacteristic of me, but I knew the right thing, so I love to see how other people are growing & changing in their lives too. Best of luck.

  40. Welcome back to Arizona, Jenny. Prepare yourself for a hot summer. The temperature was 121 yesterday and today it was 119.

  41. Best wishes for your move, and I'm sure you will make it a beautiful home!

  42. Wish you all the best of lock and happy life in Arizona. A little to much heat for me, lol. A new chapter and new adventure for the whole family. Keep inspiring us.

  43. I know how hard making a big move can be (I moved to Arizona from Wisconsin) but I have the upmost faith that you and your family will be such a fun adventure! Arizona really isn't that bad and has a lot of exciting things to do. If you ever want ideas of things to do / places to go you can check out my blog or e-mail me at: I live in the Phoenix area and although it was an adjustment, I've really come to love the state (and how great all of the surrounding states are!) Only about 5 hours away from a getaway to San Diego :) good luck! Can't wait to see how you make your house in the Valley, your home. x

  44. Safe travels Jenny. When I left NYC it was tough but at the same time I was starting a new chapter, like you are, and that held so much excitement.
    And I have always told myself..."when the kids are can always go back..." I am happy for you and will look forward to following you in Arizona...

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  46. As the mother of adult children, and as an observer, I maintain that it helps a couple grow together and lean into each other, forming a strong bond, to live apart from their families for several years at the start of their marriage. Then they can go back, secure in their "us-ness" and their adulthood, and enjoy the closeness of family nearby, much more able to set appropriate boundaries, much more able to understand their parents as people rather than parents. You're going back a much different person, and you and your young family will thrive in a place where you will have support from extended family. Just encourage your kids, at appropriate ages, to spread their wings and fly away from you so they can grow as you have.

  47. Best of luck for a smooth move and transition! Thanks for sharing the Richard Wright quote - I am moving with my fiance to California (from Seattle) at the end of this month, and I'm feeling all kinds of conflicted emotions! We've barely made it more than 50 miles from our childhood homes, and now will be two states away. Hugs to you and your sweet family!

  48. Best of luck for a smooth move and transition! Thanks for sharing the Richard Wright quote - I am moving with my fiance to California (from Seattle) at the end of this month, and I'm feeling all kinds of conflicted emotions! We've barely made it more than 50 miles from our childhood homes, and now will be two states away. Hugs to you and your sweet family!

  49. I'll join the others in saying thanks for sharing that quote. My husband and I moved 5 hours away from our families (and my sister and dad are even further away :P) two years ago when my husband found the perfect job after a year of job searching.

    It's been hard in a way (I had to leave my own career) but I think that quote embodies how we've tried to approach it (and we're not even really that far away :)). Looking forward to reading about your adventures!

  50. Cheers to a new adventure...and new rooms to decorate;)

  51. Beautiful. Best of luck on your move.

  52. All great advice. For the most part, I'm of the belief that we really don't control our destiny's. This is your path and you're exactly where you're supposed to be right now. In this insane heat-wave, spending $$$ on air conditioning ;)♡

  53. i couldn't be happier to be along for the ride. I'm so excited to see the adventures that you and your family get up to in Arizona. And don't worry, moving is stressful, you'll adjust and fall in love with a new area all over again. And if you don't, then come back :)))

  54. Best of luck as you start on this new chapter. Change is always GOOD!

  55. Oh my gosh. What a guy. You are so lucky to have a husband who does so much at home, work at office, good parent, sensitive and supportive. Count your blessings Mrs Komeda.

  56. This is a beautiful post Jenny! That quote is perfect for those conflicting feelings that come when we leave a place where we have made so many memories. I am always grateful for those bittersweet conflicting feelings because it means that I loved the place I lived. I hope Phoenix will be full of memories for your family. We have family there too :) Maybe you will run into Kailee there! She mentioned that she saw you at ALT NYC.


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