Hello, Phoenix!

Whew - what a weekend! We made it to Arizona, exhausted and so happy. The brownstone was packed and our boxes were loaded with about five minutes left to say our goodbyes to the house and take a breath before we had to leave for the airport. We're about 48 hours in and so far, I'm feeling great. Maybe it's easier to close big life chapters without those lingering goodbyes?

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We officially closed on the Valley house about 15 minutes ago (HOORAY), so the renovating adventures begin bright and early tomorrow morning! Can't wait.


  1. So happy for you all! You'll enjoy so many things about living in AZ. We moved quite a bit while our kids were growing up and they said later that they feel they grew a lot through the experiences, becoming much more adaptable and outgoing. Thanks for sharing your blog with us all. :)

  2. What a fun and exciting time for your family! I can't wait to see what you do to the new house and all of the fabulous DIY's I am sure we are in store for :)


  3. Good luck, Jenny! Can't wait to see what you do with that house!


  4. best of luck with everything! just remember, i would think the heat would be better to have to move in than a snow storm or something! :)

  5. Congrats! I'm a reader from Phoenix, so welcome! @Gwen, moving in a snowstorm would be quite horrible - but I can't say it's any worse than moving in the heat. Think sauna and that's summers in Phoenix!

  6. awww, congrats on a smooth move, Jenny :) tomorrow starts a new day. <3

  7. Congratulations Jenny , I live In phoenix too ! I can't wait to see what treasure troves you unravel while decorating your house ! My part of the city doesn't have great stores .

  8. Glad your on this side of the world now! Sounds like everything went smoothly, or as smoothly as a cross country move could go.

    Can't wait for the updates!


  9. We moved into our house last Thursday after being "homeless and vagabonds" for 6 weeks. We had a party 48 hours later to show off the remodel! Exciting times for certain!

  10. Really excited to for the next chapter of LGN! Congratulations!

  11. Happy for all the Komendas!Can't wait to see renovation pictures!!

  12. Wow.....whatever those "comments" are above that arrived at the same time....guess you'll have a job getting them out of your allowed inbox. Hope it's not too much trouble for you to spam them. (Can't imagine why they'd think that's effective "marketing".)

  13. So glad it's feeling good - congratulations!!!

  14. Welcome to the heat! Hope you aren't planning any outdoor projects yet. ;)

    Best of luck on a smooth move and setup!

  15. yeah, congrats!! I cant WAIT to see what you do with that place, you have quite the project list and I know its going to be perfect!

  16. Congratulations! Can't wait to see how to decorate and DIY your new home!


  17. How exciting Jenny. New beginnings are always a fabulous thing and how exciting for us to have so much design fun to look forward to.

    Rest up and have fun!


  18. Congratulations on a big move. I too, am really looking forward to your renovations, changes and sense of style in your new home!

  19. So glad you have arrived safely at your new destination. Looking forward to the changes.

  20. I can't wait for you to blog about new places to find great stuff here in Phoenix! I work long hours in an office with little time to putter around this great town, so I depend on bloggers to let me know what's out there. Welcome!

  21. Sorry you are moving when it is so stinking HOT! UGH! The weather has been hard on me the last couple of days and today? It's not fair that it is so hot and HUMID. Glad I'm taking off for the coast in the morning.


  22. Congratulations on your home purchase and cross-country move! I've been following you for years and can't wait to see all of your changes take place at the "Valley House." Honor the years you spent out East and drink in the new time you have among family. It's a new chapter that you're getting to write with your family--how exciting! So glad you're safe.

  23. Congrats, Jenny! I'm sitting in a sea of moving boxes myself and was wondering if you have any plans to post about the act of moving, before the fun stuff like decorating starts. We move A LOT, always with professional movers, but it's always such a pain. Surely, you've figured out a way to make it more civilized. If so, would you share? Thanks!

  24. So cool that your're here!! I live in Phoenix too! We should totally meet up we have a big blogging community here:0) Is that weird? Ok, so sorry! But this is SO cool!!! xoxo


I so appreciate hearing from you. Nice comments make my day! Thanks for keeping things light here, friends! :)