Valley House Tour: The Play Room

Yesterday we started the reno work on the house! Yay, progress! We tore into the drywall and pulled up baseboards. Today the flooring guys are coming over to work on getting up the old tile and engineered wood. I'm excited to share the progress photos once I have a minute to catch my breath. In the meantime, I'm hoping we have a productive couple of days before the holiday weekend. We really need to get these floors finished before the moving truck arrives in a couple weeks and there's so, so much to do.

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Early this morning the doors going into the kitchen from the music room and the family room were closed off with plastic sheeting to help manage the dust and to keep Linus and the girls out while the work on the floors is getting done. We'll probably take them up to my parents house for a big chunk of the time to keep them safe and out of the way. Plus, my parents' town is always about twenty or thirty degrees cooler than Phoenix, so it will be nice to escape the heatwave here.

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(More after the jump)...

While the floors are getting done (and while we're waiting for all our stuff to arrive on the moving truck), we're living in mostly the guest room/play room area of the house. We can also use the kitchen/pantry/mudroom, but pretty soon the dining area of the kitchen will be overrun with boxes of wood that need to acclimate and sit in the air conditioned house for about a week before they can be laid down. So mostly, we're going to be hanging out in the play room when we're home.

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It's a pretty big room and I think the plan after moving in is to leave it mostly open, so the kids can really run around in the space. Last night we had a cartwheel competition with cousins in here, and pretty much my life was complete. :) We're thinking of putting the smaller of our two tv's in this room. The girls haven't been interested in movies or shows this week (which is also usually the case when we visit - so much space to run around! so many people to play with!), but it is nice to turn on a movie and let the kids chill out while I'm making dinner. 

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I'm not a big fan of the carpet choice on this side of the house. It looks a little pink here, and while it's not that bad in real life, I'd love to find another wall to wall to replace this shag eventually. I've thought about doing the wood in here too, probably when we do the big kitchen/pantry/mud room reno, but I'm not sold on the idea. The soft, thick carpet is so nice for little knees, I feel like it wouldn't be the same for the kids with rugs on wood floors.

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I've been thinking it would be so fun to install a hanging chair from the center beam, but it might be just asking for trouble.

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The two closets flanking the bay window have shelves for toy storage. The previous owner, who is a sports marketer (can you tell from the jerseys?), had only one daughter. Both of them were so sweet. The daughter is almost nine now and decided to leave a lot of her toys for my girls. We don't have much of anything for the next few weeks other than suitcases with clothes, so it's been nice to have a few toys (and even some bikes!) around the house. 

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On the back wall of the room is a smallish porch that connects the play room/guest area of the house with the backyard (there's no interior hallway upstairs - the only other connection is the spiral staircase in the mudroom).

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Like pretty much every part of the exterior, the playroom porch needs a power wash and a paint job in the worst way.

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This shots shows where I want to do the kitchen bump out. We'll have to take out that big ficus tree to do it, which the home inspector recommended we do anyway to prevent any root damage to the foundation of the house or the plumbing. When we close in that patio area below though, our contractor says it would be pretty easy to modify the porch and stairs area here to make a regular size stairway to the upstairs here. We've been dreaming of then turning the spiral stairs in the mud room into a slide. Wouldn't that be crazy cool? That would be so far down the road, but it's a fun part of my "in-my-dreams house to do's" list :)

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Here are the "more realistic to do's" for the play room:

- Paint the walls a light but bright color
- Replace florescent lighting
- Replace the old ceiling fan
- Eventually replace the carpet with something less taupe and shaggy, but equally kid-friendly
- Daybed in the bay windows for now, eventually built-in window seats with storage
- Sofa and a pair of chairs floating
- Hanging chairs?
- Small TV and console on east wall (the wall without the windows)
- Curtains and shades for privacy/sun protection
- Bright, fun art (maybe also a gallery wall of my kid's art?)


  1. Great plans! Did they leave those Spurs jerseys for you too!?!?! I jealous! Lifelong Spurs fan. Tim and David are the best!!

  2. jenny! so excited for the work to begin!
    So glad your parents are near to take care of the girls while you get these bigger projects out of the way! Can't wait to see what you do!

  3. Any ideas on what you'll do carpet-wise? If we get the house we have our eye on, it'll need the carpet replaced ASAP. We do want to stick with carpet in the kids' bedrooms and play space, but I'm a little frozen on the idea of deciding immediately.

  4. Any ideas on what you'll do carpet-wise? If we get the house we have our eye on, it'll need the carpet replaced ASAP. We do want to stick with carpet in the kids' bedrooms and play space, but I'm a little frozen on the idea of deciding immediately.

  5. While there is a long list of to-do stuff, I know youll be half way done with it in no time, you are like superwoman when it comes to home projects!

    Love following the progress here!!

  6. This house has so much space yet doesn't feel huge. I'm loving it!

  7. You might want to think about just leaving that carpeting in place while the kids are still young and making messes. Better that gets dirty than something nice and new.

  8. How is Linus handling the changes? How did he get to AZ? Its so scary to fly dogs when they cant go in the cabin.

  9. Thank you for sharing all of these pictures. I can't wait to see the progress on your new home.

    Since your girls are young, what about a small stage in the area with the windows (sixth picture down)? Then a rod with curtains to separate the area from the rest of the room so that they can create plays, dance performances, puppet shows, etc.

  10. The most amazing rooms I keep seeing! OMG, this house is huge! It's gonna be great..take your time.
    xo Nancy

  11. We have had the IKEA EKORRE chair (with a bean bag instead of the blow-up pillow) for YEARS. It is one of the best things I ever put in the play room. We live in OR so most of the year it's too cold and wet to go out, and you have the inverse being too hot, so I give you a HUGE thumbs up for that idea. Can't wait to see all the lovely things you come up with. :)

  12. Ugh! We're getting ready to make a big move to a new state ourselves and while I love the idea of fixing up a house I also dread it... Decisions... Decisions

  13. When we moved to our new house in a new state, we hung 3 hanging chairs on the patio--one for each of our children. Best decision ever! They logged hundreds of hours just hanging out with eachother before 2 of the chairs eventually lost their integrity. I'd do it in a heartbeat, just keep in mind that they wear better as chairs with a little swing than swings who happen to look a lot like chairs!

  14. Could the porch have a bench swing, separate from the playroom but still in the area?

  15. Your use of FLOR carpet tiles in a space you designed inspired me to use the product as wall to wall carpet. We are not fans of carpet but love FLOR. We chose Dream On and the pattern totally elevated our space to something special. As we replace other carpet, we will use it again...when not using hardwood. I think FLOR would be perfect in your playroom since you can replace or "wash n wear" individual tiles and it still offers kid comfort. Anyways, thanks for introducing us to FLOR!

  16. That playroom with a high ceiling would be a dream for my gymnast daughter! She would have a beam and bars set up there in no time. Can't wait to see how it all comes together and I think you are very wise to plan on leaving a lot of empty space here. Kids get so much fun out of space.

  17. Your wide playroom can bring out the creativity of every interior designer, Jenny. And I can see the image of big teddies and Barbie dolls thrown everywhere! Haha! Anyway, I think you should color it with lighter color since this room is meant for your girls. Also, it would look more girly if you add some ruffled and sheer curtains on your windows.

  18. Thanks for all the faithful updates! Love this blog soooo much. My sister and I both agree that if we were to let someone else design our homes and could have no say whatsoever, we would choose you! Just sayin, in case you find yourself in the Pittsbugh area.....

  19. Lots of great changes coming - look forward to watching the progress!

    If you are looking for color inspiration for your Play Room check out the Color911 app! Fun & easy to use, check it out!

  20. I am so excited to see what you do with this great space!

  21. I would love this space but it is the lize of half my house! You get so much more space in other parts of the country than Massachusetts. Oh well...

    Anyway, I see that space and the first thing I thought of when you said perhaps something other than carpet was the noise. For that reason alone, I would stay with carpet, no matter the color/style.

    Keep the tour coming-I am living vicariously.

  22. That's the SIZE of my house. I need new glasses, I think!

  23. wow,it's looking very nice.all style are exclusive.thanks for casino

  24. Love the pre photos! So excited for you!
    Can't wait to see what you do!
    Love following your blog!
    Jamie Herzlinger

  25. Good luck on your renovation! You have such a great space to renovate. I'm sure it will turn out incredible!

    ~ Becky

  26. ha! that's my old boss' house! sounded familiar and then the jerseys and toys for the daughter gave it away! go spurs go! enjoy the new house!


  27. oooh what a huge room! Can't wait to see what you do with it. Personally i always prefer rugs on wood floors over wall to wall carpeting, but i can see your point with kids playing on the carpet. Although i often find plush rugs are deeper than any carpet.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.


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