WINNER: Stella and Dot Give Away!

Congrats to jmckay for winning the Stella and Dot give away!

Please contact me with your information, jmckay!

Thanks to all 900 commenters! And a very special thanks to Alisa at Stella and Dot for sponsoring LGN.


  1. Congrats to the winner! Secretly wishing for my own Stella and Dot giveaway!!!

  2. Oooooh - I want that mirror in the Kristen Panitch photo. LOVE that!

  3. hahahah - posted that comment in the wrong entry! Whoops! I guess you know I mean I want the mirror in the Florals post. Geez - is it only Tuesday???


I so appreciate hearing from you. Nice comments make my day! Thanks for keeping things light here, friends! :)