Dentil Moulding

I couldn't love dentil trim more! I love the textural element all those little teeth add to a room. Since all the mouldings were removed from our brownstone in the 70s (boo!), we are planning to replace as much as we can, one room at a time.

Arch Digest

Elle Decor


Jeffrey Bilhuber

So far we finished hanging dentil crown in the living room and have started in the entry and dining room. You GUYS!! I had no idea it was this tricky to hang crown moulding! I feel like I need a degree in math to do this! I am getting the hang of it though, and will share tips and tricks after I finish setting the nails and caulking in the living room. Thank the sweet heavens above for this 3 in 1 caulk tool. It has changed my life (and has saved my fingers a lot of wear and tear!). I'm going to go on a caulking spree in the bathrooms when I finish up the moulding.

Off to climb my scary-high ladder!


  1. whoa! you are doing it yourself?! amazing... tutorials PLEASE. also amazing your landlord is letting you do whatevs you want - thats a sweet deal (unless i missed something and you bought it..)

  2. i mean - he's getting a good deal is you are renting! his place will be BEAUTIFIED

  3. Love the Dentil moulding. Where I live (Utah) I don't see it a lot, but I love it. It's classic and unique - my fav combo.

    Loving what you are doing w your brownstone. Thanks for being original!

  4. Swoooon! That moulding is super fabulous. So jealous and can't wait to see pics!!

    xx. Patience

  5. I love the dentil moulding. I'm super impressed you are doing it yourself! I tried to do a bookshelf and gave up after one cut! All the angles are so tricky to figure out. Love your blog and seeing the progress of your new home!

  6. So pretty!

    My dad was a finish carpenter for years and years, and you're right; the dimensions are so hard. Needless to say, my dad is really quick at math, specifically trig.

    Best of luck with your projects!

  7. Am an interior designer and a newbie to your page. Have visited many blogs, but NONE have been as generous in trade secrets, more original or into recycling, budget conscious or into repurposing as yourself. Thank you!

  8. I love this look and I can't believe you are hanging this yourself! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  9. I would love to install moulding like that in my house one day.

  10. I never knew what that molding was called after all my years in NY! We had great moldings in our first apt, and I would love to have the skills/patience to add moldings to our new place.

  11. Love the inspiration photos! so I cannot wait to see what you unveil!


  12. The hubs and I hung crown molding one time. We almost got divorced. I will never do it again! Hope it goes better for you! Can't wait to see the finished product. Love all the things you have done to the brownstone in such a short amount of time!

  13. So charming! What a huge accomplishment this will be. Can't wait to see it all together. Good luck!

  14. I love the historic vibe of dental moulding!!!! Can;t wait to see the results!

  15. that tool is so awesome. we put trim up in our whole house last year & i did my fingers in pretty good with it. isn't caulk wonderful? ever since i was introduced to it, i frequently go on caulking sprees in my house!

  16. Oh, I haven't been in a room with dental moulding in so long. I'm taking so many notes for what to do once I get my own house.

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  18. yes it makes beautiful detailing! looks great. good to see people adding more detail to homes, modern design often forgets those finer details.

  19. A client of mine was having built-ins put in their living room and wanted to add in some dentit molding. It looks really great - AND it was actually the husband's idea because he was inspired by the dentil molding on the exterior of their house. How awesome. These are the details that will make your home sing! And I can't wait to hear any tips you have for installing the crown.

  20. Love all your inspiration pics - You're Inspiring, too, Jenny! Can't wait to see your work!

  21. Grace @AStoriedStyle.comSeptember 7, 2012 at 10:55 AM

    Hey Jenny, I too love dentil molding! When our bathroom crashed through the living room, and we had to redo it, I put dentil molding in, and it is so beautiful! Love! Can't wait to see your finished product!

  22. The dentil moulding is going to look great! I love seeing all of the work you are doing and your blog is inspiring. We are a small interiors firm in Atlanta and are getting our blog off the ground. We talk about products we love and our everyday activities. Please check it out sometime.

  23. The moulding is a great detail! I especially love the second photo, I would love to have a room like it.

  24. Strange as it sounds, you should be thankful the old trim was removed. It was probably jam-packed with lead paint. Better you come in now and add a new trim than suffer through the de-leading process. I speak from experience! Have you tried using an electric miter saw? My husband says it makes these cuts a million times easier and faster. Good luck!

  25. Just a note. I have a caulking tool just like that and the rubber cover left black marks on my wall and I had to do some touch up work. Only was an issue because I had painted first. Good tool otherwise.

  26. Wow this is amazing, please show us how u did this!


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