Update on Jenny

Hi, guys. On Saturday Jenny was admitted to the ICU for tetanus poisoning. She is hanging in there and getting a little better each day but could use your good thoughts and prayers right now. She thinks she'll be back and at it in no time, but we appreciate your patience and support while the realities of the situation play out. I'm sure she'll want to post an update as soon as she can in the next couple of days. I assume it will include a PSA on keeping your tetanus boosters up to date!

Thank you all so much for all the love and continued support you've shown Jenny throughout the years. You all mean a lot to our family.


(At least her room has a great view...)


  1. Sorry to hear that! Get better soon. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  2. Jenny is such a talent and inspiration, my prayers go out to her for a quick and healthy recovery. Thank you for the update Michael.
    Get well Jenny!

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that. My thoughts are with you and I wish you a very speedy recovery!

  4. Omg, Michael. Hope you and the girls are doing ok and that Jenny is hanging in there! Sending you guys all of my love.

    I hope this makes for a (maybe?) funny footnote in Jenny's future "home remodel" book.

  5. Tell her to get plenty of rest! Prayers for a smooth recovery!

  6. I'd been missing her this week and had actually wondered if something was wrong. I'm so sorry to hear that's the case and hope that she's on the mend and feeling well soon!

    All the best.

  7. Well, that's no fun, poor love! Feel better soon.

  8. Oh my goodness -- get well soon, Jenny (and hang in there, Komendas).

  9. What??!! Oh no! Best healing wishes to you Miss Jenny!!

  10. Oh my! That yard work?! Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Stick to Interior design, Jenny, it's a sign!!!

  11. Get well soon, Jenny!
    Hoping for the best for you and your family:)

  12. My thoughts are with you guys. Here's to a safe and speedy recovery. And some good weather for Jenny to recover and relax on her gorgeous back patio.

  13. Thank you for letting us know - our prayers are with your whole family. Get better soon, Jenny!!

  14. Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry to hear this. I'll be holding good thoughts for Jenny's recovery and for you and the girls during what must be a scary and challenging time. Please let Jenny know that her loyal readers love her enough wait very patiently for her healthy return. Don't rush; just get better. We'll be here.

  15. How scary! I was just recently thinking that we all run out and get a tetanus booster if we injure ourselves with rusty metal, but I have never actually known of someone getting tetanus. Jenny is definitely in our prayers, along with you and the girls. I don't take the time to read too many blogs anymore, but Jenny, yours is one of my favorites. Wishing for a speedy recovery!

  16. I also wondered if something had gone wrong! Ahh, the odd closeness of a blogger and the readers that love them. Sending prayers her way. Thank you for updating us Michael, it is so appreciated.

  17. Sending positive energy for a swift recovery. So sorry this happened to you!

  18. Big huge thoughts and prayers for healing.

  19. I hope you get better soon!!! My prayers are with you and your family

  20. Saying a prayer for quick recovery!

  21. Thank you for updating us, Michael. LGN is my first read each morning and when Jenny is absent for a few days, it definitely sends up a red flag (though usually it means she's deep in an upholstery project). I'm sure the stay in the ICU was incredibly scary for the family (is she out of the ICU at this point?). Sending good thoughts your way.

  22. Sending prayers and positive thoughts up the East coast from D.C. to your family. I'm hoping her recovery is speedy and that the girls aren't traumatized from mom being gone away at the hospital. Hopefully your 'ward family' is being helpful.

  23. Oh my gosh, how awful! I will be keeping you in my prayers Jenny, and hope that your recovery will be speedy.

  24. Oh dear, What? If I know Jenny like I know Jenny (from blogging) nothing will stop her....surely she will find some diy's to keep herself busy while she is there....
    I am posting a post to Jenny! Let's all show LGN some love.
    Speedy recovery!

  25. oh my goodness!!! definitely thinking of jenny and your family right now- speedy recovery to you!

  26. Oh no! I'm so sorry you're ill, Jenny. Please rest up and get well soon.

  27. I am so glad she is getting better! Keeping her in my prayers!

  28. Here is to a speedy recovery!

  29. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Jenny as well as you and the girls.

  30. I'm so, so sad to hear this! I'll be sending good thoughts and prayers your way :)

  31. Oh no! Thoughts and prayers coming your way for a quick and speedy recovery.

  32. Bloody hell, I knew something was up - I kept checking google reader to see if there was an update, and when were were no posts, thought something was up...

    All the very best for a speedy recovery!

  33. best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  34. Oh no! Get well soon! Keeping you and your family in my prayers for a fast recovery!

  35. So sorry to hear that. I'll keep your family in my prayers.

  36. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, Jenny!

  37. That's awful! Get better soon.

    ps What a sweet post by your hubby :)

  38. Prayers and healthy thoughts to Jenny and your family during this time. Thanks for the update Michael!

  39. Please rest as long as you need to recover. Your loyal readers will still be here! Get well soon!

  40. Just today I had a feeling something was up. Sending good energy Jenny's way.

  41. Oh no! I hope she continues to get better! Sending good thoughts your way.


  43. Keeping you in my thoughts Jenny!! Feel better soon!

  44. Oh no! I hope you feel better soon and are able to at least enjoy some forced downtime! Relax and know we will be patient to see your next genius project. :)

  45. Oh my gosh! That sounds like a frightening thing to be going through. Sending you all of my best "get well" thoughts, and looking forward to hearing all about Jenny's complete recovery.

  46. Hope that you are feeling better soon!

  47. Thank you Michael for the update. You're in my thoughts Jenny and I'm hoping for a speedy recovery!!

  48. I wish you good health and a smooth recovery. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Get well soon.

  49. Oh, no! Jenny, sending you healing thoughts and wishes for a swift recovery.

  50. Feel better soon, Jenny! XO from Denmark!

  51. How scary! Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  52. I was just beginning to worry this morning. I'm glad it's nothing worse and I hope it gets resolved as soon as possible. It's probably been a good thing for her to get some rest somehow. I always wonder how she keeps that crazy wonderful pace of hers. She has our permission to slow down and take care of the most important things for as long as she needs to get well!

  53. I'm so sorry! Wishing you a speedy recovery, Jenny. Maria

  54. Get better soon Jenny! Really, you don't have to stab yourself with rusty nails to impress us- is this what you call extreme makeover?

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Above all else, including pretty decor, is health. Jenny, I hope you on your way to a speedy recovery!

  57. Oh no...sending positive thoughts and vibes your way!

  58. No matter your belief system, it can't hurt to send good thoughts for rapid recovery into the universe. To you and the girls, hang in there until she's home and bustling about again!

    Re: tetanus boosters, http://www.in.gov/isdh/files/PowerOf10.pdf

  59. I never usually comment but I guess this is a good time to tell you how much I love reading your blog. It is my number 1 favorite and I check to see if there is a new post everyday! Not only do I love reading about the projects you do and seeing pictures that you post but the way you write is just lovely. Hope you are feeling better ASAP and love to your girls. ox
    Melbourne, Australia

  60. Oh my goodness! My prayers are with you guys. Thanks for the update, Michael.

  61. I was worried something was up when there hadn't been a post! Wishing you a speedy recovery and lots of rest.

  62. I'm so sorry to hear about your illness. I hope you get well soon. Will keep you in our prayers.

  63. Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way!!

  64. yikes!!! get better soon and take your time!!!

  65. Oh my goodness, get well soon Jenny. Thanks for the update Michael.

  66. So sorry to hear this Jenny! Please take care & hoping you get well soon!!

  67. Feel better soon Jenny!!!!

  68. Oh no! Hope you are feeling better soon Jenny! Thanks for the update Michael.

  69. Michael, Jenny and family,

    You are all in my thoughts and prayers.


  70. Sending positive thoughts for lots of rest to feel better quickly!

  71. sending good thoughts and prayers from here in Ontario Canada...speedy recovery!

    Cheryl Thornton

  72. And here I was disappointed that there were no new blog posts yesterday and today. I feel so bad for you, Jenny. I am so sorry for what you are going through and hope you get well soon.

  73. Thanks for letting us know, Michael. I know it's not technically our business but we appreciate being kept in the loop as we do all cheer emphatically for Jenny and her incredible work! Somehow she feels like a friend and we're all going to keep Jenny, you and the girls in our prayers over the next few days.

  74. Get well soon, Jenny !! Thanks for the update Michael.

  75. Get well soon Jenny! I'm so sorry! We love you and hope you're back soon!

  76. wishing you well Jenny! your blog is one i cannot live without!

  77. Just read MIchael's post- what the?? Hope you are on the mend, my friend. Reminds me of the time you had pneumonia and if I remember correctly you taught Joy School that week and I finally heard you were sick at all when you were super super sick. Next its going to be something like, "Hey Christine, I had malaria but I'm fine now, no biggie. Got that couch recovered while I recovered (har har har)"

    Its the pits to be so horribly sick when you're mom, and wife, and decorator extraordinaire. I really will keep you in my prayers this week (and the next few) while you climb back up on top of everything. But give yourself a break and don't climb too fast. :)

    You're amazing. I love you! Feel better!

  78. Praying and sending love from the blogosphere! Feel better soon Jenny.
    Audra @ Audra's Ally

  79. ouch! hope you feel better soon Jenny!

  80. Thinking of you Jenny and your family. I hope you get well soon.

  81. I was worried something happened! You and your family are in my thoughts. That's scary stuff; best wishes for a speedy recovery. You're missed!

  82. Thinking of you and sending thoughts for a speedy and full recovery!

  83. wishing your family good thoughts during this scary time!

  84. I am so sorry to hear this! Sending prayers your way!

  85. Jenny

    I'm one of those anonymous Mom's that read your blog every morning. I don't have a blog, but just find inspiration on how you design and care for your family. I'm so sorry to read your sick and hope you take the time you need to get well. We will be here when you return.

    All the best

  86. Prayers to you and your family Jenny!! Get well soon!

  87. Oh no! So sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon!

  88. Oh no! So sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon!

  89. Hope you recover quickly, Jenny! I would say if you need help w/ your kids, let me know but the drive from NC might be quite the commute :)

  90. Get well soon, Jenny! My prayers are with you and your family as you deal with this "unscheduled break." :)

  91. Wishing you a speedy recovery, Jenny! In the meantime, enjoy that view!

  92. Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry to hear this, Jenny, and I'm sending good vibes your way. How scary for all of you. I'll be anxiously awaiting good news.

  93. I don't often comment but I've passed through many times so wanted to offer my best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.


  94. Oh no!! So sorry to hear this!! Wishing Jenny a super speedy recovery!!

  95. Michael and Jenny and girls--
    Please know that I am praying for all of you during this difficult time. May your hearts be calm and still and the recovery quick.

  96. Let me know if there is anything we can do to help! Abbey

  97. So sorry to hear that, hope she gets better really soon! I rarely leave a comment but her blog is so inspiring, she's incredibly talented ;)

  98. Oh gosh, this is not what I expected to read over here on LGN today. I am so sorry, Jenny! How very scary. The symptoms of tetanus can be so awful, I pray that you are on the mend soon.

  99. Mes pensées sont avec vous et votre famille.

  100. sending happy thoughts you way! get better soon!! :)

  101. oh my goodness! so very sad to hear this. Lots of good wishes to you and your family, Jenny!

  102. Jenny, I know you will be back at it soon enough, take good care of yourself. I bet your girls drew you pretty pictures!

  103. oh noooo! get better soon! take care of yourself.

  104. That just stinks!! Thoughts & prayers for you & your fam!! No time for tetanus!

  105. Oh no! Hoping she feels much much better and back home soon!

  106. Oh no!! I knew something was up! I'm glad she is recovering and my thoughts and prayers are definitely with you all. Thank you for the update.

  107. I'm so sorry to hear that! I will be praying for you, Jenny. Take all the time you need to get back to 100%.

  108. Oh, poor thing! I miss you and your beautiful posts, I look forward to hearing your all better and back to life as usual. Praying for a speedy recovery.

  109. Get well soon Jenny! I stepped on a staple in my garage yesterday and thought about when my last tentanus shot was....guess I should find out. You are in my thoughts!

  110. Oh my goodness, my she return to health ASAP. Im so sorry to hear this.

  111. get better soon jenny!! just like everyone else..you are first morning go to read! rest up....

  112. sending love your way!! feel better soon

  113. Feel better soon! Sending thoughts and prayers your way.

    I don't often comment, but your blog is one of my favorites. Thanks for everything you do!

  114. Thank you for the update! Thinking of Jenny and hope she is back to Brooklyn in no time!

  115. Sending my best wishes and prayers for a quick and complete recovery!

  116. Get well soon! Hoping for a SPEEDY recovery!

  117. Get well soon! Wishing you a SPEEDY recovery.

  118. Oh, wow! Get well soon, Jenny. Don't jump back into that remodel too quickly!

  119. Sending good thoughts and energy for a speedy recovery!

  120. Oh no! Feel better Jenny! I was wondering what was going on.

  121. Im sorry to hear that Jenny is not feeling well. My thoughts are with you...I just got my tetanus short yesterday...Hope she feels better very soon.

  122. We love you, Jenny! Get better soon!

  123. Get well! You're such an inspiration, this won't hold you down long

  124. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  125. How terrible! Hope you are on the mend & back at inspiring us all soon!

  126. Jenny - Hope you are feeling better!! Get lots of good rest and take it easy!


  127. Feel better, Jenny! I'm sure you've already started mentally redecorating your hospital room. Love your blog, always a treat to read each day and so very inspiring

  128. Praying for a quick and complete recovery!

  129. I hope you feel better Jenny. You and your family are in my prayers.

    Thanks for the update Michael. Like many others have stated, the Komenda's feel like friends even though we have never met.

  130. how awful! i hope she gets better quickly!!

  131. Oh my goodness, so sorry to hear this. Wishing you a speedy recovery, Jenny. You have a LOT of people keeping you and your family in their thoughts and prayers :)

  132. I'll keep Jenny in our prayers! So sorry!

  133. I was wondering what was up. I hope Jenny gets well soon and that the hospital food isn`t to yucky! Thanks Michael for updating us all. Very sweet of you. Send her our regards for a speedy recovery.


  134. Sorry to hear the news! Hope you feel better soon!!

  135. Hi Jenny and Michael,

    My best wishes for you both and your family. Will be thinking about you in the days ahead.

  136. I hope that your recovery continues to go well. Take care of yourself. We'll still be here when you feel better.

  137. Wishing you time to recover and relax! Love to you!

  138. you are my most inspiring blog read and the first i check everyday. so very sorry to hear about the tetanus poisoning - must have been very scary for you and your family. sending wishes for a speedy and healthy recovery.

  139. Jenny, you and your whole family will be in my thoughts! Get well soon!!!

  140. Get well soon Jenny! I'm thinking of you and your family.

  141. Sorry to hear that - wishing you a speedy recovery Jenny!

  142. My prayers for a speedy recovery are coming your way, and my thoughts are with your family too! Hope everything is ok!!!

  143. Oh my! I wish you a speedy recovery! I so enjoy your blog and the gracious way you share your life and talent.jd

  144. My thoughts and prayers will be with you; you can't keep what appears to be one of the busiest moms down! Best of luck and health and thank you, Jenny, for your talent and willingness to share it.

  145. Thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery!

    ~ jillian

  146. Oh, I am so sorry to hear about Jenny's condition. I hope she recovers quickly.


  147. Yikes!! Sorry to read this post, and wishing an extremely speedy recovery!

  148. Sending you positive thoughts! I stepped on a drill a couple of weeks ago (working on a DIY project) and wondered if my shots were up to date--I guess they were. Here's to a speedy recovery.

  149. So sad - wish we still lived nearby and could take the kids or bring you dinner! Prayers and love from California...

  150. Sorry to hear the news; thank you for letting your readers know...we all will be praying for you and your family....take care.

  151. Oh no! Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!!

    Feel better!

  152. Jenny,

    I hope you are doing well. We are all thinking of you and hoping for a quick recovery so you can be back at home with your husband and little ones and back working again.

    Love, Jean (Joanna's mom)

  153. My thoughts and prayers are with you for a quick recovery!

  154. I will be praying for Jenny and your whole family. Don't hurry back on our account. We will all be right here whenever you are ready.

  155. Someone in Savannah, Georgia is praying that you heal quickly!

  156. So sorry to hear that! Hope she gets better soon. Thoughts and prayers to your family.

  157. I know all of your readers appreciate the update! Sending many thoughts and prayers to you and your family, Jenny! Wishing you the quickest of recoveries!

  158. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Jenny. I'm like the other folks who wondered if everything was allright after a few days of not posting. I am curious how this happened. Last fall I was reupholstering a Victorian chair and poked myself a few times with some of the rusty tacks. I worriedly asked my husband if I should get a tetanus shot and he said I was crazy. Maybe I wasn't being paranoid. Perhaps this will result in a little education for all of us.

  159. I have been following the blog for awhile and admire Jenny's style! I hope she gets well very soon!

  160. Oh no! Thank you for the update. I JUST got a tetanus shot this week for stepping on a rusty nail. Hope you feel better very soon; I'll pray for you!

  161. Get well soon Jenny. I'm sending you good thoughts for a quick recovery. I love your blog.~Brigitte

  162. Get well soon, Jenny! You, Michael and the girls are in my thoughts - hopefully you'll be feeling better soon!

  163. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Your blog is my favorite!

  164. Get well soon Jenny. Miss the daily read with all of your DIY projects.

  165. Oh hell!!! I knew something was up!!
    What a reason to be out of commission. Feel better, you do not have time for tetanus.
    Thanks for the update MIchael.

  166. Get well soon, Jenny! I look forward to reading your blog everyday. Your can do attitude and positive outlook is a real inspiration to all of us!

  167. Oh, Jenny, I am so sorry that you are ill, but will keep you in my good thoughts and prayers. Wishing you a speedy and full recovery. xxoo

  168. Oh my goodness! Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    Here's to a speedy, safe and full recovery. And also, drugs. I hope you're getting lots of good drugs. :)

  169. omg!!!! I am beyond shocked right now. Jenny, strong and capable Jenny- who had her baby on her gorgeous ottoman for God's sakes! I just can not believe this. Please, get well soon. I am praying for you Jenny. Please!!! We all miss you and love you.

    cote de texas

  170. Prayers for a speedy recovery. Thank you for posting an update. How scary indeed!

  171. Will keep all of you in my prayers. Thanks for letting all of "us" know. Please take good care.

  172. Jenny, your blog is the first I open with a cup of coffee every morning at 5:30 am...it's my alone time I cherish. I have been missing your posts! Thank you for the joy you bring to all our lives as moms and fans of beauty. Hope you feel the good energy of our thoughts and prayers during your time of healing from all your fans! Get well.

  173. Get well soon, wish you a quick recovery!


I so appreciate hearing from you. Nice comments make my day! Thanks for keeping things light here, friends! :)