Hearts Aren't Just for Valentine's Day

My girls are getting a little older now (my oldest is eight) and while I really miss having babies around, I am having so much FUN with my kids! Every holiday is a million times more exciting. We are in full Valentines mode this week (only handmade cards in this house!) and I love seeing their little creative sides come out. They made me this bouquet from flowers and plants they clipped in our yard a few days ago and I was so proud of the arrangement! :) These little ladies make my heart burst.

Kristen from KFD Designs emailed me this Valentines-worthy project earlier this week and I thought it was so cute. Reminded me of this heart print we all love.

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Kristen's more detailed tutorial is here, but the gist is she picked up a pair of really inexpensive thrift store frames, painted them gold and created the peach and neon pink hearts from scratch for the inside.

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I love these two colors together and hanging the pink heart upside down was a genius touch and helps keep things in the not-too-sweet zone.

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Well, done Kristen! Thanks for sharing.

If you have a project you'd like to share on LGN, email me a link or photos.


  1. This is, apparently, the color combo of destiny this week.


  2. Cute! Reminds me of the double heart print by Rachel Castle http://www.castleandthings.com.au/home.php?cat=255

  3. So cute! Love the frames too!


  4. Love how easy this is--V Dday is not the time to get overly complicated! xxErin

  5. marisa! that is definitely where I saw it. i couldn't remember! it was stuck in my head and i just created them. anyway. will be editing my post now. thanks!!

  6. Love the frames! I actually passed up a pair like them at Christmastime! Isn't that always th way?

  7. Love those frames!! and that colour combo too! Happy Valentine's Day!

  8. Love these photos! All of them are so lovely. Thanks for sharing! Xo, M&K at brewedtogether.com

  9. Those frames and the floral pictures inside were a gift my parents received for their wedding almost 35yrs ago! They hang to this day in their guest bathroom. I've been dying to spray paint them for years. Cute project!

  10. Extraordinary! Love the frames. We can try to give these kinda frame to our valentine.

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