Some Living Room Updates

It's been a while since I shared some photos of the decorating progress in our house! I'm still trying to figure out what I want and where, but this set up has been working pretty well in our living room for about a month now.

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Michael bought me a giclee print of my favorite painting by Minerva Teichert (an LDS artist who painted a lot in the early and mid 1900s) for my birthday back in October. I really need to get it mounted and framed, but in the meantime it's just tacked up on the wall (ha!) where I think I want it to be. I hope it goes without saying that I know religious art can be a divisive and sensitive subject on design blogs, but I so appreciate how respectful all of you have been in the past when I've shared projects and art in my home that are based on my religion. It's so great that we can all support each other in our different life choices and paths, and find beauty in the differences. This print and Minerva Teichert's work in general has a lot of meaning for me and I love having it hanging in our home. And hopefully sometime soon it will be hanging in a legit frame!

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The Serge Mouille style sconces were bought here. The site has really mixed reviews online. Lots of people claim they have never received their orders. It took about two months for these sconces to come (and then a couple more months for me to get around to hanging them), but they came and they were SO affordable at about $160 each. The quality is top notch, too. The brass fittings are absolutely beautiful and the whole thing is easy to install on the wall. So I guess if you have a couple months to sit around and wait, you can really get a great deal at Infurn.

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The sofa was a recent Craigslist find from a local seller. Her name is Kirsten and she is opening up an online shop of really beautiful and well-curated finds. The silky blue velvet is in really great vintage condition. And I love that there are four seat cushions. This is where we watch TV so it's nice for all of us to have a seat and plenty of space to stretch out!

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I threw the pink lumbar pillows (old, from Target) on the sofa just for the photos for a little color. I am working on an ottoman project that will bring in some color too, so I can leave the sofa bare then. I like it better without extra pillows.

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The Eames style Plycraft chair was my Christmas present to Michael. He'd been asking for an Eames lounger for a while (ever since I got rid of his beloved-but-incredibly-bulky leather club chair - whoops) but I wanted a lounger in an interesting color and for a good deal, of course. I ended up finding this one on eBay for a really great price and it was shipped from Florida to Arizona on a Greyhound bus! That was the first time I'd tried that shipping method and I was happy with how fast and inexpensive it was. Have you ever used the Greyhound method? I had to go pick up the huge box at the local bus depot since they don't deliver, but it wasn't an issue at all.

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The rug was from Rugs USA (still selling them here) and the side tables are all vintage. The motel sign artwork and the LDS temple photo were hanging in our bedroom, but I decided to put up my Chinese panels in our bedroom instead and the scale of these two photos was perfect between the sconces.

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Like I said, lots to figure out here, but we're making some slow and steady progress on getting this home decorated. I'm really excited to get that ottoman finished now!


  1. I love those sconces, and that amazing couch!

    Have you read the book, Minerva!: The Story of an Artist with A Mission, by Elaine Cannon? It's a quick read and fascinating.

  2. Ha! I never even realised you were LDS. I have very close friends who are and almost every single LDS person I have ever met has been just delightful (seriously, the ratio of niceness is weird). I can't wait to see your print framed - it looks great in that spot. How fabulous is that blue velvet couch??? I have always wanted a velvet couch ever since I was wowed by my Uncle buying a beautiful pistachio green velvet couch back in the 80's. I thought it was just SOOO sophisticated and fabulous (coming from a house where our parents weren't terribly interested in decorating beyond practicality). Love yours even more in that blue!

  3. That couch is to DIE for. If you ever drive through Cokeville WY, try to stop at Minerva's home. I was there and on a whim stopped at the local library and someone told me where she had lived. I drove up, knocked on the door, and her nephew's wife (who lives there) answered and was very gracious and let my mom and I come in and see the things she had painted on the walls in the home. There are some great boarders on walls, and in the kitchen there is the perfect breakfast nook that she painted with vegetation and wildlife from central America. So fun to see her personal space and the ways she added her own design aesthetic in that realm.

  4. It's starting to come together so nicely. I love the art!

  5. I LOVE the two prints between those sconces, and the couch is perfect! Can't wait to see more room reveals!

  6. I love that you love Minerva. I have "Rescue of the Lost Lambs" and I absolutely love it.

    It's so excited to see everything coming together. The color of the sofa is just breath taking.

  7. Nice to see it all coming together!!! I am so curious; how many couches do you have? What happen to the couches that you had in the brownstone?

  8. Your sconces and couch are so so amazing!

  9. I love Minerva's work as well. It's so comforting. I am so glad to see you show your religious art--I often asked myself how you would deal with it before this post. We purchased a giclee canvas of a Del Parson (somewhat lesser known, also of Christ with children) for Christmas and I am still working on getting it framed as well. Your couch looks so comfy and sophisticated as well. Just lovely!

  10. Wow just love that gorgeous sofa! You find the best stuff!

  11. Can you share your paint color? I am looking for a really pale neutral and what you've used looks perfect. Thanks!

  12. Love the three little girls in the print. Just like your babies :)

  13. "I got rid of his beloved-but-incredibly-bulky leather club chair - whoops" funny, same thing happened at our house.

  14. How do you like the rug? Does it wear well? I've been eyeing it but am worried about stains and wear with a toddler and lots of foot traffic.

  15. Loving that couch! Amazing find!

    Angela @ Number Fifty-Three

  16. I am 55. I can remember going to the Greyhound bus station (in rural southeast Texas) and picking up packages with my Mom. It usually was a dress from a dress shop about 150 miles from our home. I guess it was the pre FedEx/UPS way to have things shipped rather than the US mail? I had no idea they still did this, although in my small town our Greyhound bus station is now closed. Thanks for reminding me of this childhood memory.

  17. ive shipped via greyhound... so much cheaper, and works like a charm.

    i love that velvet couch and the artwork above!

  18. Your pictures are hung too high above your sofa.

  19. Minerva Teichert is my hero! I'm really not big on religious art, a sore spot between me and my husband, but adore her work. I have been on th hunt for an affordable print of her Queen Esther piece for a few years now. As an artist, her style really speaks to me. Her colors and feathering techniques are just amazing! So glad she found a place in your home.

  20. The sofa is beautiful! I think the placement of the Eames chair is awkward though - seems shoved behind the sofa. Maybe if you're in the room it doesn't look quite the same. I'm a little surprised as a designer you are supporting what seems to be a collection of knock-offs. I know everyone can't afford the real thing, but the site seems so blatant. Maybe I'm missing something.

  21. I'm Catholic but I love seeing expressions of any faith in homes! I feel I have more in common with someone practicing any faith than those who choose not to.

  22. Minerva Teichert has been one of my favorite artist for years - so imagine my delight in finding out her grand daughter is in our ward! She has originals in her home - it's just amazing.

  23. Would you mind letting me know is the color in the rug navy or black and is it more brownish or gray? Thanks so much, i am in the market for a rug!

  24. I've been wanting a blue velvet couch and this looks great in your space.

    I understand as a Christian and a designer the anxiety/trepidation of opening up about our faith for fear of alienating others, and I appreciate your openess:)))

  25. Wow - if you can't be supportive of the blog, why post anything?? When's the last time any one of us took pictures of every room in our house before/during/after moving and shared it with the world? Geez people - Jenny, it's beautiful, as usual.

  26. Your couch is amazeballs. I have a question does it hold up/work with Linus' hair? I've been wanting a velvet couch for some time now, but have shied away because of the copious amounts of dog hair that are sure to find it's way there. Do you have a suggestion on velvet that would work? Thanks Jenny!

  27. This looks great! I'm crazy for the sconces! They look so good. I've found that sconces can really make a room. Beautiful blue velvet sofa!

  28. I love the motel photograph - source please!!

  29. Adele and Tom - Our walls are Benjamin Moore's Brushed Aluminum. Love it.

    zben - What an AMAZING story!! I used to work at BYU's Museum of Art and one of her daughters (or maybe granddaughters) was a curator there and had fab stories about Minerva. She was quite a woman.

    Tanya - We had WAY too many sofas at this point! I rotate through them at a break neck speed! :)

  30. Sweet Couch! And your Jesus poster is lovely!! :) Thanks for sharing, this room is well put together.

  31. Nanazy - The rug's held up pretty well. Not the very best, but for the price, you know, it's pretty great.

    Anon - I guess the pictures must look too high in the photos. They look perfect in person - right at eye level. :)

    See what I sea - I also have a hard time connecting with most religious art. I LOVE Brian Kershisnik and some of the smaller LDS artists. Minerva is my very favorite of the more popular ones. I like having uplifting and peaceful art up on the walls, but it can be a tricky thing. I'm with you. :)


  32. Thanks for letting us peek into your living room! And meaningful, personal art is always the best. I'm just curious--is there a design or spacing reason you chose to put the larger piece behind the chair, as opposed to over the sofa? I just moved and now have to hang all my art back up, so I wondered how you made the decision of which piece where.

  33. Mary Jane - the rug has a browny gray background with black accents. It's pretty and a great price, but I don't love the binding. You win some you lose some though!

    Sasha - Fortunately Linus doesn't shed really at all (he's a standard poodle) so we don't have the hair problem. He sleeps mostly on the rugs or his dog bed too. I think velvet might be trickier with a dog that sheds a lot! :/

    Autumn - I found the image on Flickr actually and emailed the photographer to see if she would mind me printing it out. She was so nice and emailed me the highest res she had (which wasn't all that high, but the fuzzy look sort of works). I don't remember her user name off hand but I just search for "Starlite Motel Mesa" images in google..xoxoxo

  34. Hi Emily - Bummer you think the Plycraft chair looks awkward. I like it right where it is. There's plenty of space and it doesn't feel shoved behind the sofa in person at all. The layout works right for tv watching, which is what we mostly do in here.

    I have a pretty open outlook on knock offs, as I think most decorators like me do too (at least the ones I know). I wouldn't support an IKEA or West Elm knock off of a newer design (ie if the designer was young/still living and I had easy access to purchasing the originals). But midcentury pieces like the Serge sconces, which are unbelievably expensive to purchase originals and vintage ones are not easily accessible, I have less of an issue with.

    It's tricky though and I totally respect people who would never have a knock off in their home.

  35. Anon- the pair of photos takes up a lot more horizontal space over the sofa, which I think is the most important part of getting art right - filling the wall space. The single painting, while it is big, would only take up about a third of the sofa's width, which would look funny. And the height of the painting would only make the proporations look more strange. Hope that makes sense!

  36. Gosh, I really need a deep velvet sofa now!! What an amazing find!! I have an almost identical mid century sofa that's off white upholstery and I'm wishing it was velvet now! :)

  37. I have been eying that rug! Does it shed a lot? Also your home is beautiful and you have an amazing talent! :)

  38. I love, love, love the sofa and the general vibe of the room. I'm Catholic and I am recently getting my feet wet collecting a bit of religious art. We have this bizarre little nook in the hallway of our apartment (which I guess was originally for the telephone) and it just seemed to scream "shrine" to me. So I have a mid century cross, a little statue of St. Jude, and an abstract painting in there. But I am on the hunt for something even more meaningful.

    Anyway I think the Plycraft and the sconces look awesome! We actually have one in storage that we just don't have room for at the moment, but it needs to be restored anyway. I love the color of yours and am totally pitching that to the hubs as an option! :)

  39. hi jenny! i am a big fan of minerva teichert's as well. i used to work in the jsb at byu and the halls were filled with her paintings. i was wondering if you wouldn't mind saying the name of the print that you have?

  40. Where is the motel sign/art from? I love it!


  41. Lovley! There are so many elements of this room that I covent for my own - the Eames-style chair, the blue velvet sofa, sophisticated statement sconces - ... AND most importantly that Starlite Motel Mesa print. I spent what feels like hours trying to find that piece or a similar one via Google/Etsy/Flickr search after seeing it in your bedroom, with no luck. If you or anyone locates the photographer, please pretty please share their info. I am eager to purchase a print like this myself.

  42. Love the room. I've often wanted a blue velvet couch (there's one at z gallery I used to lust after), but now I'm having more of a green or purple phase. ;)

    Also, glad you can be comfortable with us, and in that same respect I appreciate you for having your beliefs, but not cramming Jesus down our throats like some other LDS bloggers that I've run across (and then run quickly away from). ;) My atheist self thinks your Jesus picture is lovely. :)

  43. Jenny, it looks amazing! I am obsessed with all things Serge Mouille. I have that black and white ikea pillow in my living room as well! It looks better in yours, but I do love it and it was such a great deal.

    Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to see the rest of the house.

    Also, you are so very gracious in the face of some of these comments. :-)

  44. That couch is amazing! I would love a velvet couch, and for it to be that big - what a find! I love that you share so much of your home here. You consistently give me great ideas. Thanks!

  45. Love your blog! Wondering if the rug looks very black (i know it's a 'worn' look) I'm considering a similar set up with a navy velvet couch and possibly layering a jute rug under that rug...would love to know how the color appears in person since Rugsusa is a bit hard to see...

  46. I am in love with your eclectic taste! You manage to put pieces and colors together in such a unique and inspiring way! Your home is so warm, beautiful & unique. I have total house envy!

  47. I love it all!!! And yes, if anyone finds the artist for the motel sign, please share - I'd love to purchase one :)

  48. I remember when you first posted a pic of that blue velvet sofa and i almost died! you would never get something like that on craigslist where i am (without giving up your firstborn). It looks lovely.

  49. Just wanted to say thanks for your response to my post. For some reason, picking out something to put above the couch seems way intimidating, and your information is really helpful.

  50. I love how it's all coming together!

    I have the exact same rug, and I'm wondering if you have any cleaning tips?

    A guest (and not one of my own three kiddos, shockingly enough!)spilled milk on ours just today. Despite rushing to the scene quickly to blot and clean, I don't feel like it's looking too hot. The milk itself is out, but the pile just seems disturbed in each spot I cleaned. Any ideas for me?

    I love how you've paired yours up with that awesome blue couch! My couch is neutral, like the rug, so it can be taupe-overload! I may have to spring for something really bold in an ottoman to spice it up! Excited to see what you do!

  51. I love your living room! My husband has been wanting an Eames style chair. Did you purchase your chair from a business on eBay or was it an individual seller? Yours looks great, and I would love to purchase one for my husband's 40th!

  52. Beautiful sofa, and the sconces are just perfect. Now to get me some! You mentioned paying around 160.00 each for the sconces, but the site has them for $239.00 at the moment. Can you share an secrets/tricks on how you got them for less?

    Thank you!

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. I'm really enjoying your blog! I became a daily reader just before you left NYC. Amazing how much you've changed this house already! On a personal note, thank you for being so genuine and transparent as you share your home and your thoughts with us. :)

  55. Oh the Blue Velvet Couch - how do I love thee. So beautiful. And the "Motel Art" - just great. You really are an artist with your pairings. Sharing your personal spaces as you do is so generous and very much appreciated! And I think that your LDS background must be helpful in your gracious responses to not so gracious comments :)

  56. Hi-
    This is completely besides the point....but do you know of anyone in the area (i live in chandler) that does monogramming on pillows? I would love any recommendations you may be able to give.
    Thanks for you time:)

  57. That couch is killing me. It is gorgeous! I can't wait to see what your plans are for the ottoman. I am also dying to see how your library is coming along. So glad to see you posting regularly again. Hope all is well!

  58. I love you include details about the company you bought your light fixtures from, and the eBay shipping process on greyhound. Sometimes those are exactly the sorts of things that make me nervous to buy design related things online. These details make the difference between a post that's just pretty, and a post that's incredibly useful. Thank you!

  59. Hmmm. Your decor looks perfect in a small room. This size room might be a good excuse to buy more pretty items. I find the Minerva painting makes your LR really old and dated... Maybe try it in a new room. I've always loved your decor so I can't wait to see the final results.

  60. I need to be honest. I don't know if i like it or not. The eames chair looks cramped. I kike the art, the sconces, but the sofa.

  61. I just don't get this room and I'm a long time fan. IMHO the Eames chair crammed into that corner is just not right! The lights are wonderful but the prints over the sofa are just screaming to be lowered.

  62. i have long admired minerva's "rescue of the lost lamb". a friend of mine has it hanging in her home and i just love it.
    i work for an interior designer and we're working with a client who is considering a mid-century style blue sofa, but is hesitating. i think i will show her a picture of yours to help her decide. i think it's so striking. and i love the pink pillows, btw.

  63. i am a fan of your blog, for a long time.
    but, i am so sorry, i thing this room looks weird, the sofa is beautiful, but the chair in the corner looks lost...everything along the wall look sad, and i f i love the motel art, the other looks not good.
    i am not a fan of religious art, but i understand art will be reflect the person you are.
    I am disappointed by some of your recent post, you just relay another creativity.
    I hope nothing is bad in your live at this time, and i am waiting for your next post with all your creativity and happiness.

  64. i am a fan of your blog, for a long time.
    but, i am so sorry, i thing this room looks weird, the sofa is beautiful, but the chair in the corner looks lost...everything along the wall look sad, and i f i love the motel art, the other looks not good.
    i am not a fan of religious art, but i understand art will be reflect the person you are.
    I am disappointed by some of your recent post, you just relay another creativity.
    I hope nothing is bad in your live at this time, and i am waiting for your next post with all your creativity and happiness.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. You are brilliant. I have no doubt this room will become a true work of art, as with all your rooms!

    Please oh please can you tell me where you purchased the Minerva Teichert giclee? I haven't been able to find that particular painting for purchase anywhere and I love it!

  67. Err.. to the people who are saying the art is hung too high—do you remember how high those ceilings are? The house is still in progress and I am sure that the whole house is going to be just as fabulous as any one of Jenny's previous Projects.

    Jenny—thank you for always keeping us posted on your projects! It is such a pleasure to get to see all the creative things you do. Your blog is seriously my FAVORITE and I don't know what I would do if you stopped sharing! You are fabulous!

  68. Thank you so much for sharing your source for the sconces!! I love them and they look GREAT where you hung them!! I am about to paint my living room but think I might hold off until maybe I can get a pair of them.
    Was it difficult to hang/wire the sconces? I am very intimidated by electrical work!
    Thanks again!

  69. Jenny! I lived your old space but I really don't get this house especially this room. Hopefully you can find your voice a little more in this big space one day!

  70. i just want to say i ordered a chandelier from ifurn six months ago, i payed for it and never receive it, each time i call ifurn give me a track number, but each time it's a fake one.
    be very careful if you order from this company, make some research from reviews, because i was not the only one with this problem

  71. i just want to say i ordered a chandelier from ifurn six months ago, i payed for it and never receive it, each time i call ifurn give me a track number, but each time it's a fake one.
    be very careful if you order from this company, make some research from reviews, because i was not the only one with this problem

  72. I thinks it looks comfortable and genuine. I love that sofa!

  73. Thank you for sharing
    I will trying your idea at home
    I think this is the best of topic
    furniture Jepara


I so appreciate hearing from you. Nice comments make my day! Thanks for keeping things light here, friends! :)